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energy efficiency - solar energy - renewable energy - articles - yelloblue


Beirut School Installs Largest Solar Power Project On A School Campus In Lebanon

"The project was managed by local greentech company, Yelloblue, who managed technical aspects of the project including a ‘dashboard’ that allows individuals to see the energy production and environmental savings made possible by the project in real time."

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Antoine Kaldany. Green Up. Hospitality News Middle East. Issue no.101 | August 2015.

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Antoine Kaldany. Using the internet of things to build an energy efficient home. Building & co. Issue no.8 | September 2014.

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Hala Atallah. Turn your rooftop into a power plant. Building & co. Issue no.8 | September 2014.

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Antoine Kaldany. Energy saving companies (ESCOs), a global overview. Building & co. Issue no.7 | May 2014.

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Antoine kaldany. Building integrated photovoltaic system. building & co. Issue no.3 | February 2013.

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