Solar Water Heating
renewable energy - energy efficiency - solar energy - solar water heating - swh - soalr collectors - flat plate - evacuated tubes - heat pipe - closed loop system - open loop system
Solar water heating (SWH) is the conversion of sunlight into renewable energy for water heating using a solar thermal collector. Yelloblue offers collective solar water heating solutions for sanitary water and pool water heating applications. Various types of SWH heating solutions can be designed according to each application and client's need.
Two major SWH collectors type exist on the market: flat plate collectors and evacuated tubes collectors. Evacuated tubes can be the heat pipe type or the U-pipe type which can come with or without a reflector. A CPC collector is a U-pipe evacuated tube with a reflector increasing the aperture area of the collector and hence increasing its efficiency.
Solar water heating systems
Most collective solar water heating systems are closed loop systems directly connected to hot water tanks or via a heat exchanger. The solar loop consists of the solar collectors, a circulating pump and a controller to control the system. The system can work along with a boiler (traditional heating). The boiler back up the solar heating and heat the tanks when the sun is not shining especially during the winter. In most cases, the system is designed to fulfil all hot water needs during the summer.
Operation principal: collective solar water heating