Solar Water Heating Projects
renewable energy - energy efficiency - solar energy - solar water heating projects - lebanon - international
“La Maison des Sources”
Location: Ain Zhalta.
Execution: March 2019
Description: Guesthouse
System: Collective solar water heating. 1200 L/day of hot water.
Santiago residential building
Location: Achrafieh, Beirut
Execution: September 2018
Description: 14 stories, 19 units
System: Collective solar water heating. 3600 L/day of hot water.
NDU Dorms
Location: Jeita, Mount Lebanon
Execution: September 2015
Description: Student dorms
System: Collective solar water heating. 21000 L/day of hot water.

Villa Ayoub
Location: Chmout , Jbeil
Execution: July 2017
Description: Solar Water Heating
System: Forced Circulation System

Mallat Residential Building
Location: Yarzeh, Baabda
Execution: January 2016
Description: 4 stories, 4 units
System: Collective SWH. 1200 L/day of hot water.
Villa H&R Boujaoudeh
Location: Baabdat, Mount Lebanon
Execution: September 2015
Description: Residential villa
System: Solar Water Heating canopy. 500 L/day of hot water.
Marbella residential building
Location: Achrafieh, Beirut
Execution: December 2014
Description: 15 stories, 16 units
System: Collective solar water heating. 3600 L/day of hot water.

NDU Cafeteria
Location: Jeita, Mount Lebanon
Execution: April 2014
Description: University cafeteria
System: Collective solar water heating. 500 L/day of hot water

Mallorca residential building
Location: Achrafieh, Beirut
Execution: February 2016
Description: 13 stories, 14 units
System: Collective solar water heating. 3300 L/day of hot water
Products: U-Pipe solar collectors, evacuated tubes